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Tuesday 21 December 2010

Improve Your PC's Performance And Speed It Up, with These Easy Steps

By Henry Jones

The most common question that PC users ask is "why is my PC so slow?" It is troublesome when you need to work on a file and you PC takes decades to start up.

If you've seen that there's a delay when you try to do something, like work on a document, this may be a problem for you. It can be especially problematic if you have a deadline and you need to work quickly. These are some of the things that can happen if your computer is slow, but there are other "symptoms," as well.

Most often, if you've got a slow computer, the first thing you'll think of is that you'll need a bigger memory. Certainly, this can help, but there are also other ways to speed up your computer.

The first thing you should do if you've got a slow computer is registry scan. The registry in your computer may have files in it that are corrupt, so that your computer is slowing down and perhaps even malfunctioning. By removing the files that are corrupt, your computer can go faster and have better performance, too. Do a registry scan and clean every four to six months.

Registry cleaning software is one of the best ways to clean your registry. This software scans your computer for registry corruption, errors, and other difficulties. Two of the best programs are Registry Easy and Error Nuker. These are good programs that will do a good job of cleaning up your registry.

Another thing that will help make your computer go faster is to remove files you don't use anymore. Videos, data files, song downloads, and more can all be removed when you don't need them anymore. When you do this, you'll increase the rate at which your computer can work, and you'll make it easier to access RAM memory. This will allow your computer to work faster.

Once you have deleted the files, you need to defrag your computer. A new computer stores all files in separate blocks. These neat blocks make it easier for the computer to access files. When you delete files, some empty spaces are created. The new files that you save are stored in these empty spaces.

When you defragment, these files are reorganized so that you computer can find them more easily. Files that are related to each other will be brought together so that they're easier to access, quickly. This, in turn, makes your computer work more quickly, too.

These steps are free to do, and you'll find that it's not always necessary to get a new hard drive or even more RAM memory if you want a faster computer.

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