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Tuesday 4 January 2011

How To Market Your Book

By Naomi Jennifer

Writers want their work to be read by many; it will mean that they can keep on writing for a living and not as a side-line. Starting out is always hard for any first-time writer. You do not know what to do or how best to market your work. You will probably not be able to afford a high-quality, big city P. R. Firm to do your marketing for you. You may not even have an agent. So how do you get your work known?

Many authors have had the smart idea of writing books about how to promote their books. They are serving their own needs by catering to others just like them. Some books are better than others and some may be just scams. However, you should look at what these authors are doing to get their books bought in the first place. They use new technology which can be free. Use the internet. Create fan sites. Try to link yourself up with as many search engines and online retailers as you can.

You may actually be in a better situation financially if you live in a small town instead of a big city. Someone from a small town getting a book published is big news in that area. Residents will rush out to see what their neighbor was able to create. Local media and papers will focus stories on you, which is always excellent and free advertising. In a big city, no one would care. You must use every single chance you get in order to get your name out there.

You want to give just enough information about the book to make people interested. Do not talk too much about it or give anything away. Be a professional and think about the business of you. Every story or interview is just like a job interview. Do not say anything off-color or make stupid jokes. You do not want to risk alienating a single person. Make sure you are well spoken but do not try to sound 'too smart' and risk sounding like an idiot when no one has any clue about what you are talking about. Not everyone knows critical theory or the Laconian or Derrida point of view. Keep it simple and entertaining.

Dress well, too. If you do not dress professionally for public appearances, what makes anyone think that you can write professionally? Play up your contacts, you affiliation with local schools or business or sports teams. Make people proud that you came from their area. Keep in mind that people know your parents or remember you from high school. They want to see what you have done with your life.

Do not be afraid to put up fliers and do television spots. Network as much as you can, cash in favors, and do not burn any bridges. You will need as much help as you can get in moving your publicity up to the next level.

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